My Journey with Lyme
In June of 2008, my family and I moved from Georgia to Washington state. On our cross-country drive, we stopped near Tulsa for a short hike in a beautiful wooded area near the Arkansas River. Telltale flu-like symptoms soon set in, but unaware of Lyme Disease and its affects, I dismissed them — only for them to disappear and reappear in the following months.
I wondered if my health would ever return
Over the next two years, my symptoms grew, and grew, and grew. My “normal” bloodwork was at odds with the reality that I was experiencing. As time marched on my symptoms became more complex and challenging as I struggled to keep up with my life. I was no longer unable to cover up how serious my illness had become.
By the time I received a diagnosis, I had become extremely ill and was dealing with encephalitis of the brain from untreated late stage neurological lyme disease. I had an extremely grave period where I wasn’t sure I would make it out alive, or that I would but be severely disabled. Desperate, I started antibiotic treatment with an integrative approach around this same time.
I felt alone, afraid, and lost
Relieved and hoping to recover soon I was grateful to find extremely caring and knowledgeable doctors in Seattle. What I didn’t realize is that each person processes this illness differently. I also didn’t realize I would be fighting this illness for the next 10 years. I had so many questions. Maybe you do too.
How best to recover fully from Lyme Disease?
What about co-infections that ticks carry?
What organs and parts of the body are affected?
What’s the connection to emotional/mental health and physical disease?
Devoting the next 10 years of my life to beating this illness, I have learned much about myself, this difficult disease and how those of us who have it are stigmatized. Since 2018 I continue to be the healthiest since first contacting Lyme in 2008.
I want to help you by guiding you on your own journey back to health.
My own lived experience and the years of study of this illness and effective healing protocols inspire me to share my knowledge with you. I know that this can be a long journey and also a lonely journey and I want to be there for you and your circle of friends and family.
I would love the opportunity to help you return to your life before chronic illness and along the way perhaps a more whole and healthy version of who you were and are.
My life is much richer now because of the difficult and dark journey I experienced with Lyme Disease. Every day I see the beauty in this life and am grateful to feel well enough to share my new energy with all of you.